This red metal insulating mug is the perfect combination of hot drinks and tough love. It keeps your coffee hot and doubles as a set of brass knuckles for those early mornings when you need a little extra defense. Highly recommended for the multitasking individual.
Hey Billy. This mug slaps.
Some dude on the internet.
Amazing -- keep my beverage hot for a long time.
100% would recomment to anyone
This little pip-squeak is going to be the master of the universe someday. Mug looks dope 👌
ToTAlLy rEaL rEVieWs

My pumpkin spiced latta
with extra low fat cream
was too…
it was like, too pumpkiny?
you know what i mean?
But mug looks very nice, just like our vict.. I mean residents
10/10, will not need to threaten Nux with Nukes
Kim-Jong Un

Pros: Makes me irresistible to a certain Anime fanbase
Makes me irresistible to a certain Anime fanbase
John Snow

Instructions Unclear:
The CIA is now in my living room interrogating my mom about why there are multiple international agents camping out in the basement with me, and my dyno nuggies are getting cold
Joe Rogan
from 252 reviewsThis red metal insulating mug is the perfect combination of hot drinks and tough love. It keeps your coffee hot and doubles as a set of brass knuckles for those early mornings when you need a little extra defense. Highly recommended for the multitasking individual.
My Everyday hoodie. It's thin, light yet keeps me warm. It's loose and comfortable. The print is IMMACULATE. I honestly would not want any other shirts to be printed any other way. I've washed it twice and it did not crack and kept its quality.
There are probably no mules in this mug in case you were wondering.
I... I just don't know how to put this into words. Every time I put this... this "thing" on, I just become consumed in throes of ecstasy. To be honest, the first few times were amazing, but at this point I've gone through like 30 pairs of undies and its not only getting expensive, but my wife thinks I'm cheating on her... Only if she knew the truth... That I've been taken by the UwU.
Assumed it'd be meh as its a merch sweatshirt, but honestly the nicest sweatshirt I own. Love the feel and warmth as it embraces me all the way deep to my core. Worth the $$ and love supporting the geyser of laughs Nux Taku.
Let me tell you, I got laid 3 times cause of this hoodie. 2 of which I wore the hoodie while it happened. This hoodie is not only comfortable, affordable and durable as hell. I still wear it and I bought it when they were first put out. So wear it with pride and make sure you are subscribed to Nux Taku #Billygang
The material, the design! It’s caresses the skin and elevates your state of being into a higher existence. It also tastes delicious! 11/10 every time
My favorite hoodie I own won't even let my fiancée wear it.
I can finally walk around with proper gear so I'm always ready for that isekai life.
Sayonara b*tches.
Brb just sailing over to your mom to give her The One Piece - had to stop here to praise the pirate god Nux for this sweet new drip.
I don't know what you guys are using as adhesive but it sticks well onto all types of coffins
Great addition to her sticker collection
The design is immaculate and the material is superb. Can't wait to wear it, too busy being #nakedfornux
The shirt was actually a nice shirt. Some shirts have a design printed really lightly on the shirt.ive had way too many cool shirts fade out because of that. On this shirt the ink is almost as thick as the shirt itself. Pretty comfy shirt too. Will probably buy a hoodies soo to see how those are.
Can't believe this is actually real, I'm totally sticking #NAKEDFORNUX on the bumper of the next cop car I see. Best contest ever.